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BSC ServicesPredictive MaintenanceServices

Predictive Maintenance

For Asset Optimization. Predictive maintenance PdM aims to find measures of machinery condition and use them to prevent breakdowns. Establishing trends allow accurate pinpointing of machinery problems and their severity. Increasing up time on machines is the primary aim, while reduced likelihood of secondary failures and less unnecessary maintenance are additional benefits. Condition Monitoring is most frequently used as a Predictive or Condition-Based Maintenance technique. Condition Monitoring uses advanced technologies in order to determine equipment condition, and potentially predict failure.

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Predictive Maintenance

For Asset Optimization. Predictive maintenance PdM aims to find measures of machinery condition and use them to prevent breakdowns. Establishing trends allow accurate pinpointing of machinery problems and their severity. Increasing up time on machines is the primary aim, while reduced likelihood of secondary failures and less unnecessary maintenance are additional benefits.

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